Thursday, August 26, 2010

Conversations Overheard

Conversation #1 nap time

Jitterbug: Laughing hysterically

Lillibean: Get off my bed please. I want to take a nap.

Jitterbug: still laughing

Lillibean: you need to go get in you own bed

Jitterbug: laughing  NO

Lillibean: Yes Mommy says we have to take a nap today

Jitterbug: Make me

Lillibean: Ok

followed by a loud thump and some serious crying

Lillibean pushed Jitterbug out of the bed.

Conversation #2 in the car

I told both girls that if they behaved in the mall I would buy them a cookie. I know I know bribery at its best.

Needless to say I did not have to pay out on this bribe.

Jitterbug is having the most spectacular of meltdowns. it goes something like this

MOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMY and on and on in this manner.

I am doing my best to ignore the behavior trapped in the car as we are.

I hear this from Lillibean "Jitterbug Mommy told us that we had to be good to get a cookie. We were not good in the mall."

Still more screaming and yelling from Jitterbug.

A projectile (a happy meal toy) from the back seat lands in my lap.

Lillibean: Don't throw things at Mommy. Now we wont even get a treat when we get home.

She was right they got showers and went to bed.

Conversation # 3 while coloring

Jitterbug: No Corinne that's my crayon

Lillibean: No its not

Jitterbug: Yes it is

Lillibean: no its mine I'm using it

Jitterbug: (taking the crayon and licking it) Its mine

Lillibean: I'm gonna color at my own desk

Conversation # 4 between Lillibean and me

Me: if you want your 2 dollars then you need to clean up the playroom.

Lillibean: Ok. How much does Jitterbug get?

Me: she gets 2 dollars as well

Lillibean: Ok (skips into the playroom to clean)

5 minutes later

Lillibean: Mommy we don't need that 4 dollars

Me: Well ok then (slightly impressed that my 3 1/2 year old did that math.)

1 comment:

  1. The first convo made me CRACK UP. I can totally seeing that going on between my two eldest.
