UPDATE: Jitterbug did not go as Dirtgirl she went as a Magic Princess Pet Doctor and here is what the costume turned out to look like. Thats a pink unicorn attached to her back.
Ok I love that I have a kid that follows her own path Jitterbug really is like no other kid I know. That being said I think I am in trouble. Things have been rolling along nicely lately other than everyone but JW having a cold last week. We have made it through Lillibean turning 4 and are gearing up for a trip this week. The following weekend is the girls joint Birthday Party then Halloween and then Jitterbug turns 4. We also have a few party's to attend as well. I think November 7th is the next free day we have.
Ok back to the original topic. I think I mentioned that Halloween is approaching and Jitterbug has picked her costume and I am at a loss. I spent the last few weeks combing the Internet and stores for the costume of her choice and it just does not exist. I can not even find a reasonable facsimile.
So I am appealing to my friends and family please help me cause unless I can convince her to change her mind to something more traditional. I am going to have one disappointed little girl.
Here is a picture of her choice by the way I am not crafty and cannot sew.
Her name is Dirt Girl she has friends Scrap Boy, Ken the weevil, and Grubby the Grub worm.
It seems simple enough right purple overalls and an orange and yellow striped shirt. Yeah not so much.